Inlet Air Pressure Sensor (Service Code 12)
Turn the ignition switch ON.
Measure the inlet air pressure sensor output voltage from
various vacuum readings, while pulling the handle of the
fork oil level gauge.
Check the inlet air pressure sensor output voltage, using
the following formula and chart.
Pg : Vacuum Pressure (gauge) to Sensor
Pl : Local Atmospheric Pressure (absolute) m easured by
a barometer
Pv : Vacuum Pressure (absolute) to Sensor
Vv : Sensor Output Voltage (v)
Pv = Pl – P
For example, suppose the following data is obtained:
Pg = 8 cmHg (vacuum gauge reading)
Pl = 70 cmHg (barometer reading)
Vv = 3.2 V (digital volt meter reading)
Plot this Pv (62 cmHg) at a point [1] on the chart and draw a
vertical line through the point. Then, you can get the usable
range [2] of the sensor output voltage.
Usable range = 3.04 ∼ 3.49 V
Plot Vv (3.2 V) on the vertical l ine. → Point [3].
Results: In the chart, Vv is within the usable range and
the sensor is normal.