■ [no] web-management management-url
Specify URL for web interface [?] button.
Next Available Option:
■ management-url -- Specify URL for web interface [?] button. (ASCII-STR) (p. 756)
■ web-management management-url MANAGEMENT-URL
Specify URL for web interface [?] button.
■ [no] web-management plaintext
Enable/disable the http server (insecure).
■ [no] web-management ssl
Enable/disable the https server (secure).
Next Available Option:
■ ssl-port -- TCP port on which https server should accept connections. (TCP/UDP-PORT) (p. 756)
■ web-management ssl TCP/UDP-PORT
TCP port on which https server should accept connections.
■ [no] web-management support-url
Specify URL for web interface Support page.
Next Available Option:
■ support-url -- Specify URL for web interface Support page. (ASCII-STR) (p. 756)
■ web-management support-url SUPPORT-URL
Specify URL for web interface Support page.
756© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
web-managementCommand Line Interface Reference Guide