<any|host <DA>|DA/<prex-length>>
[comparison-operator <value>]
<any|host <SA>|SA/<prex-length>>
<any|host <DA>|DA/<prex-length>>
[0-255 [0-255]|icmp-message]
[dscp <precedence|codepoint>]
Insert an ACE or a remark by assigning a sequence number:
ProCurve(cong)# ipv6 access-list <name-str>
ProCurve(cong-ipv6-acl)# <seq-#> <deny|permit|remark>
Note: The deny and permit keywords use the options show above
for "Create and IPv6 ACL".
Delete an ACE or a Remark (or both) by sequence number:
ProCurve(cong)# ipv6 access-list <name-str>
ProCurve(cong-ipv6-acl)# no <seq-#> [remark]
Note: You can also delete an ACE by entering no <permit|deny>
followed by the settings explicitly congured for that
Resequence the ACEs in an ACL:
ProCurve(cong)# ipv6 access-list resequence <name-str><starting-#>
Enter a Remark:
ProCurve(cong)# ipv6 access-list <name-str>
ProCurve(cong-ipv6-acl)# remark <remark-str>
Remove a Remark:
Immediately after entry:
ProCurve(cong-ipv6-acl)# no remark
After entry of an ACE:
ProCurve(cong-ipv6-acl)# no <seq-#> remark
Delete an IPv6 ACL:
ProCurve(cong)# no ipv6 access-list <name-str> vlan
Enable or Disable an IPv6 VACL:
ProCurve(cong)# [no] vlan <vid> ipv6 access-group <name-str> vlan
Enable or Disable a Static Port ACL:
ProCurve(cong)# [no] interface <port-list|trkx> ipv6 access-group <name-str> in
ProCurve(eth-<port-list|trkx>)# [no] ipv6 access-group <name-str> in
61© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
access-listCommand Line Interface Reference Guide