■ aaa port-access supplicant [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST start-period < 1 to 300 >
Set a period of time between EAPOL-Start packet retransmission
(default 30sec.).
Range: < 1 to 300 >
■ [no] aaa port-access supplicant [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST
Usage: [no] aaa port-access supplicant [ethernet] PORT-LIST
[auth-timeout <1-300> | held-period <0-65535> |
start-period <1-300> | max-start <1-10> |
identity <identity> [secret] | secret
initialize | reauthenticate | clear-statistics]
Description: Manage 802.1X (Port Based Network Access) supplicant
on the device ports. Called without the optional parameters
the command enables or disables (if 'no' is specied) the
supplicant functionality on the specied ports.
The 'no' keyword can not be used with any of the
optional parameters. All changes made by the command apply
to the specied PORT-LIST only.
o 'auth-timeout' sets the period of time the supplicant waits
to receive a challenge from the authenticator
(default 30sec.).
o 'held-period' sets a period of time the supplicant waits
after receiving a failure before trying to re-acquire the
authenticatior (default 60sec.).
o 'start-period' sets a period of time between transmitting
EAPOL-Start packets in Connecting state (default 30sec.).
o 'max-start' denes the maximum number of attempts to
start authentication before the supplicant assumes that
it has been authenticated (default 3).
o 'identity' sets the identity to be used by the port
supplicant when MD5 authentication request is received
from an authenticator.
o 'secret' sets the secret to be used by the port
supplicant when MD5 authentication request is received
from an authenticator. User will be prompted to enter
the secret after the command is invoked.
o 'initialize' reinitializes supplicant's state machine.
o 'clear-statistics' clears supplicant statistics counters.
Next Available Options:
■ auth-timeout < 1 to 300 > -- Set the challenge reception timeout (default 30sec.). (NUMBER)
(p. 30)
■ held-period < 0 to 65535 > -- Set the held period (default 60sec.). (NUMBER) (p. 35)
■ start-period < 1 to 300 > -- Set a period of time between EAPOL-Start packet retransmission
(default 30sec.). (NUMBER) (p. 51)
■ max-start < 1 to 10 > -- Define the maximum number of attempts taken to start authentication
(default 3). (NUMBER) (p. 40)
■ initialize -- Reinitialize the supplicant state machine.(p. 35)
■ identity -- Set the identity(user name) to be used by the supplicant. (ASCII-STR) (p. 35)
■ secret -- Trigger the command to ask user for a password for the supplicant to use.(p. 50)
■ clear-statistics -- Clear the supplicant statistics.(p. 31)
51© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
aaaCommand Line Interface Reference Guide