
Next Available Options:
path-cost < 1 to 200000000 > -- Set port's path cost to the fixed value.(p. 646)
auto -- Use dynamic method of selecting a value for the path cost.(p. 641)
spanning-tree instance ist [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST path-cost < 1 to 200000000 >
Set port's path cost to the xed value.
Range: < 1 to 200000000 >
spanning-tree instance < 1 to 16 > [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST path-cost
Set the port pathcost for the instance (default is 'auto').
Next Available Options:
path-cost < 1 to 200000000 > -- Set port's path cost to the fixed value.(p. 646)
auto -- Use dynamic method of selecting a value for the path cost.(p. 641)
spanning-tree instance < 1 to 16 > [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST path-cost < 1 to 200000000 >
Set port's path cost to the xed value.
Range: < 1 to 200000000 >
spanning-tree pending
Usage: spanning-tree pending <apply|reset>
[no] spanning-tree pending [...]
Description: Manipulate pending MSTP conguration. The pending
conguration can be modied without affecting current
spanning tree operation. The 'spanning-tree pending apply'
command runs the pending conguration consistency check
and activates the pending conguration if it yields no
consistency errors. The pending and active congurations
exchange places if the 'apply' command is completed
The 'spanning-tree pending reset' command overrides pending
conguration with the active one.
Not all spanning tree parameters are available for the pending
conguration. The parameters that are not available for the
pending conguration are not affected or when must be
implicitly set are initialized to the defaults. Use
'spanning-tree pending ?' to get a complete list of all
supported pending conguration commands and parameters.
Next Available Options:
apply -- Apply pending MSTP configuration (swaps active and pending configuratons).(p. 641)
reset -- Copy active configuration to pending.(p. 653)
config-name -- Set the pending MST region configuration name (default is switch's MAC
address).(p. 642)
config-revision < 0 to 65535 > -- Set the pending MST region configuration revision number
(default is 0).(p. 642)
instance -- Change pending MST instance configuration.(p. 643)
647© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
spanning-treeCommand Line Interface Reference Guide