Next Available Option:
■ port-num -- TCP/UDP port from [to] which to prioritize traffic. (TCP/UDP-PORT) (p. 427)
Example 1. Example of Port Range
ProCurve(config)# qos udp-port range 1001 2000 dscp 000010
■ [no] qos type-of-service
Usage: [no] type-of-service <ip-precedence|
diff-services [<0|1...63|af11|af12|af13|af21|
dscp <0|1...63|af11|af12|af13|af21|af22|
Description: Congure the Type-of-Service method the device uses to
prioritize IP trafc. Prioritization is done based on the
contents of the Type of Service (ToS) eld in the IP header
of each packet. Using 'no' type-of-service with just the
mode (ip-precedence or diff-services) will disable all ToS
QoS for the switch.
Disabled The switch does NOT prioritize IP packets based on the IP
ToS eld.
IP Precedence The switch uses the upper 3 bits of the IP ToS eld (the IP
Precedence bits) to determine the 802.1p priority of the
packet and its outbound switch queue. If the packet is
transmitted out a port on which VLAN tagging is enabled, the
new priority is placed in the outbound VLAN tag. See the
switch documentation for more information.
Differentiated The switch uses the upper 6 bits of the ToS eld (the
Services Differentiated Services bits) to decide whether to apply an
802.1p priority to the packet and thus affect its outbound
queue. The priority is dened by the Differentiated
Services Codepoint mapping (see 'show qos dscp-map'). If no
priority is mapped for the packet's codepoint, the switch
does not classify the packet using Differentiated Services.
If there IS an associated priority congured, and the
packet is transmitted out a port on which VLAN tagging is
enabled, the new 802.1p priority will be placed in the
outbound VLAN tag. If a DSCP Policy is congured to apply
to the inbound DS codepoint (i.e., the codepoint has been
're-mapped'), the priority assignment and outbound queueing
will be that specied by the new Policy's codepoint in the
DSCP table, and the Differentiated Services eld in the
outbound packet will be changed to the new value.
Using 'no type-of-service diff-services
removes the re-mapping assignment, i.e., a new DSCP Policy
will no longer be applied to the specied codepoint. To
remove a priority association from a codepoint altogether,
433© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
qosCommand Line Interface Reference Guide