
Next Available Option:
port-num -- TCP/UDP port from [to] which to prioritize traffic. (TCP/UDP-PORT) (p. 427)
Example 1. Example of Port Range
ProCurve(config)# qos udp-port range 1001 2000 dscp 000010
[no] qos type-of-service
Usage: [no] type-of-service <ip-precedence|
diff-services [<0|1...63|af11|af12|af13|af21|
dscp <0|1...63|af11|af12|af13|af21|af22|
Description: Congure the Type-of-Service method the device uses to
prioritize IP trafc. Prioritization is done based on the
contents of the Type of Service (ToS) eld in the IP header
of each packet. Using 'no' type-of-service with just the
mode (ip-precedence or diff-services) will disable all ToS
QoS for the switch.
Disabled The switch does NOT prioritize IP packets based on the IP
ToS eld.
IP Precedence The switch uses the upper 3 bits of the IP ToS eld (the IP
Precedence bits) to determine the 802.1p priority of the
packet and its outbound switch queue. If the packet is
transmitted out a port on which VLAN tagging is enabled, the
new priority is placed in the outbound VLAN tag. See the
switch documentation for more information.
Differentiated The switch uses the upper 6 bits of the ToS eld (the
Services Differentiated Services bits) to decide whether to apply an
802.1p priority to the packet and thus affect its outbound
queue. The priority is dened by the Differentiated
Services Codepoint mapping (see 'show qos dscp-map'). If no
priority is mapped for the packet's codepoint, the switch
does not classify the packet using Differentiated Services.
If there IS an associated priority congured, and the
packet is transmitted out a port on which VLAN tagging is
enabled, the new 802.1p priority will be placed in the
outbound VLAN tag. If a DSCP Policy is congured to apply
to the inbound DS codepoint (i.e., the codepoint has been
're-mapped'), the priority assignment and outbound queueing
will be that specied by the new Policy's codepoint in the
DSCP table, and the Differentiated Services eld in the
outbound packet will be changed to the new value.
Using 'no type-of-service diff-services
removes the re-mapping assignment, i.e., a new DSCP Policy
will no longer be applied to the specied codepoint. To
remove a priority association from a codepoint altogether,
433© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
qosCommand Line Interface Reference Guide