Usage: ip load-sharing <2-4>
no ip load-sharing
Description: Specify the maximum number of equal cost IP load sharing
paths. no ip load-sharing disables IP load sharing.
Range: < 2 to 4 >
■ [no] ip ssh mac < hmac-md5 | hmac-sha1 | hmac-sha1-96 | ... >
Specify a mac to enable/disable.
Supported Values:
■ hmac-md5
■ hmac-sha1
■ hmac-sha1-96
■ hmac-md5-96
■ ip source-binding VLAN-ID IP-ADDR MAC-ADDR
Next Available Option:
■ interface -- ([ethernet] PORT-NUM) (p. 301)
■ ip timep manual
Manually congure the Timep server address.
Next Available Options:
■ server -- Timep server IPv4 address. (IP-ADDR) (p. 308)
■ serverV6 -- Timep server IPv6 address. (IPV6-ADDR) (p. 308)
■ [no] ip multicast-routing
Usage: [no] ip multicast-routing
Description: Enable/disable IP multicast routing on the device.
■ [no] ip access-list extended NAME
Specify name of Access Control List to congure.
■ [no] ip access-list standard NAME
Specify name of Access Control List to congure.
■ ip access-list resequence NAME
Specify name of Access Control List to congure.
304© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
ipCommand Line Interface Reference Guide