■ show system power-supply
Usage: show system power-supply
Description: Show Chassis Power Supply info and settings.
■ show qos protocol-priority
Usage: show qos protocol
Description: Show the protocol priority.
■ show spanning-tree pvst-filter
Show spanning tree PVST lter status information.
Next Available Option:
■ port-list -- Limit the port information printed to the set of the specified ports. ([ethernet]
PORT-LIST) (p. 578)
■ show spanning-tree pvst-protection
Show spanning tree PVST protection status information.
Next Available Option:
■ port-list -- Limit the port information printed to the set of the specified ports. ([ethernet]
PORT-LIST) (p. 578)
■ show qinq
Usage: show qinq
Description: show qinq conguration details.
■ show qos
Usage: show qos ...
Description: Show various QoS settings. Use 'show qos ?' for the
list of all possible options.
Next Available Options:
■ device-priority -- Show the device priority table (priority based on the IP addresses)(p. 548)
■ dscp-map -- Show mappings between DSCP policy and 802(p. 549)
■ port-priority -- Show the port-based priority table(p. 580)
582© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
showCommand Line Interface Reference Guide