■ [no] interface vlan VLAN-ID ip bootp-gateway
Usage: [no] ip bootp-gateway [IP-ADDR]
Description: Add or remove the gateway address to be used for stamping
incoming DHCP requests.
This is a VLAN context command. It can be called directly
from the VLAN context or follow the 'vlan VLAN-ID'
Next Available Option:
■ ip-addr -- IPv4 address of the BOOTP gateway. (IP-ADDR) (p. 241)
■ interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST broadcast-limit < 0 to 99 >
Usage: broadcast-limit <0-99>
Description: Set a broadcast trafc percentage limit.
This command sets the theoretical maximum of network
bandwidth in percentage that can be used for broadcast
trafc. Any broadcast trafc exceeding that limit will be
dropped. '0' means the feature is disabled.
For 1000 Mbps and higher speed ports, the percentage of broadcast
trafc congured is that percentage applied to the theoretical
maximum broadcast throughput for a 100 Mbps port. This is to
allow ner resolution of control for high-speed links.
This is an Interface context command. It can be called directly
from the interface context or follow the 'interface [ethernet]
PORT-LIST' command.
Range: < 0 to 99 >
■ interface vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf md5-auth-key-chain CHAIN-NAME
Specify key chain to use for MD5 authentication.
■ interface vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf IP-ADDR md5-auth-key-chain CHAIN-NAME
Specify key chain to use for MD5 authentication.
■ interface vlan VLAN-ID ip ospf all md5-auth-key-chain CHAIN-NAME
Specify key chain to use for MD5 authentication.
■ interface vlan VLAN-ID connection-rate-filter
Usage: connection-rate-lter unblock < host SRC-IP-ADDR | SRC-IP-ADDRESS/mask
[no] connection-rate-lter sensitivity <low|medium|high|aggressive>
Description: Re-enables access to a host or set of hosts that has been previously
blocked by the connection rate lter. Disabling or setting sensitivity
228© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide