■ [no] interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST ip access-group ACCESS-GROUP < in >
Supported Values:
■ in -- Match inbound packets
■ [no] interface vlan VLAN-ID ip access-group ACCESS-GROUP < in | out | connection-rate-filter |
... >
Supported Values:
■ in -- Match inbound packets
■ out -- Match outbound packets
■ connection-rate-filter -- Manage packet rates
■ vlan -- VLAN acl
■ [no] interface svlan VLAN-ID ip access-group ACCESS-GROUP < in | out | connection-rate-filter
| ... >
Supported Values:
■ in -- Match inbound packets
■ out -- Match outbound packets
■ connection-rate-filter -- Manage packet rates
■ vlan -- VLAN acl
■ interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST disable
Usage: disable
Description: Disable port(s).
This is an Interface context command. It can be called directly
from the interface context or follow the 'interface [ethernet]
PORT-LIST' command.
■ [no] interface vlan VLAN-ID igmp-proxy < END OF PRINTABLE >
Specify the domain name to associate/disassociate with the VLAN.
Supported Values:
■ interface vlan VLAN-ID ip pim-sparse dr-priority INTEGER
Usage: ip pim-sparse dr-priority <0-2147483647>
Description: Set the priority value to use on the interface in the Designated
Router election process. Default is 1.
■ interface [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST qos dscp
Specify DSCP policy to use.
231© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide