Usage: [no] ip igmp forcedfastleave [ethernet] PORT-LIST
Description: When enabled, this feature forces IGMP Fast Leaves to occur
even when the port is cascaded. See 'ip igmp fastleave' for
more information. The default behavior is for IGMP Forced
FastLeaves to be disabled.
This feature is congured for ports on a per-VLAN basis.
■ ip igmp forward [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST
Usage: ip igmp forward [ethernet] PORT-LIST
Description: Instruct the device to forward incoming multicast packets
received on the specied ports. This feature is
congured on a per-VLAN basis.
■ [no] ip igmp high-priority-forward
Usage: [no] ip igmp high-priority-forward
Description: Enable/disable the high priority forwarding of trafc for
subscribed IP Multicast groups. This feature is congured on
a per-VLAN basis.
■ [no] ip icmp
Usage: [no] ip icmp [...]
Description: Congure ICMP Rate Limiting capacity. Use 'ip icmp ?' to get
a list of all possible congurable parameters.
Next Available Options:
■ addrmask -- Enable/disable address mask replies(p. 294)
■ burst-normal < 0 to 1000000 > -- The maximum number of icmp replies to send per second(p.
■ echo -- Enable/disable echo replies to broadcast echo requests(p. 299)
■ redirects -- Enable/disable redirect error messages(p. 306)
■ reply-limit -- Enable/disable ICMP reply rate limiting(p. 306)
■ unreachable -- Enable/disable destination unreachable error messages(p. 312)
■ [no] ip igmp
Usage: [no] ip igmp [...]
Description: Enable/disable/congure IP Multicast Group Protocol (IGMP)
feature. This command enables, disables or congures the
IGMP feature for IGMP communication between Multicast
Routers, Multicast Servers, and Multicast Clients connected
to the switch. If not preceded by 'no', the command accepts
a variety of conguration parameters. To get a list of all
300© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
ipCommand Line Interface Reference Guide