
Next Available Option:
mode < stop-only > -- Specify how to initiate and terminate an accounting session. (p. 40)
[no] aaa authorization commands
Congure exec (shell) commands authorization.
Next Available Option:
primary_method < radius | none > -- (p. 47)
aaa authentication console
Usage: aaa authentication console <enable|login>
<primary-method> [<backup-method>]
Description: Congure authentication mechanism used to control access
to the switch console.
o enable - Congure access to privileged mode.
o login - Congure login access.
o <primary-method> - Species the primary authentication
method for access control. Use <TAB>
or <?> after you specify enable or login
to get a list of all available
primary authentication methods.
o <backup-method> - Species an authentication method
to use, if the primary authentication
method is not able to check user's
Use <TAB> or <?> after you specify the
primary authentication method to get a list
of all available backup methods.
Next Available Options:
enable -- Configure access to the privileged mode commands.(p. 33)
login -- Configure login access to the switch.(p. 36)
aaa port-access authenticator [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST control < authorized | auto | unauthorized
Set the authenticator to Force Authorized, Force
Unauthorized or Auto state (default Auto).
Supported Values:
authorized -- Force authorized.
auto -- Auto.
unauthorized -- Force unauthorized.
aaa port-access [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST controlled-direction < both | in >
32© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
aaaCommand Line Interface Reference Guide