101 5
100 4
011 3
010 0 (Normal)
001 2 (Low)
000 1 (Lowest)
■ qos < udp-port | tcp-port > ipv4
Specify range of TCP/UDP ports from [to] which to prioritize trafc.
Next Available Options:
■ port-num -- TCP/UDP port from [to] which to prioritize traffic. (TCP/UDP-PORT) (p. 427)
■ range -- Specify range of TCP/UDP ports from [to] which to prioritize traffic.(p. 432)
■ [no] qos device-priority IP-ADDR/mask-LENGTH
specify the ipv4 address with subnet mask of the device to set the priority
Next Available Options:
■ dscp -- Specify DSCP policy to use. (p. 418)
■ priority < 0 | 1 | 2 | ... > -- Specify priority to use. (p. 428)
■ [no] qos device-priority IPV6-ADDR
specify the ipv6 address of the device to set the priority
Next Available Options:
■ dscp -- Specify DSCP policy to use. (p. 418)
■ priority < 0 | 1 | 2 | ... > -- Specify priority to use. (p. 428)
■ qos < udp-port | tcp-port > ipv6
Specify range of TCP/UDP ports from [to] which to prioritize trafc.
Next Available Options:
■ port-num -- TCP/UDP port from [to] which to prioritize traffic. (TCP/UDP-PORT) (p. 427)
■ range -- Specify range of TCP/UDP ports from [to] which to prioritize traffic.(p. 432)
■ [no] qos device-priority IPV6-ADDR/PREFIX-LEN
specify the ipv6 address with prex-length of the device to set the priority
Next Available Options:
■ dscp -- Specify DSCP policy to use. (p. 418)
■ priority < 0 | 1 | 2 | ... > -- Specify priority to use. (p. 428)
■ [no] qos < udp-port | tcp-port > range TCP/UDP-PORT TCP/UDP-PORT
Maximal TCP/UDP port in the range from [to] which to prioritize trafc.
425© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
qosCommand Line Interface Reference Guide