Usage: [no] voice
Description: Labels this VLAN as a Voice VLAN, allowing you to separate,
prioritize, and authenticate voice trafc moving through
your network.
This is a VLAN context command. It can be called directly
from the VLAN context or follow the 'vlan VLAN-ID'
■ [no] interface vlan VLAN-ID vrrp vrid < 1 to 255 >
Usage: [no] vrrp vrid <VRID> [...]
Description: Congure a virtual router instance for the VLAN.
A virtual router is dened by its virtual router
identier (VRID) and a set of IP addresses for which
virtual router acts as a Master or Backup. The scope
of each virtual router is restricted to a single VLAN.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
Next Available Options:
■ backup -- Designate the virtual router instance as a Backup(p. 226)
■ owner -- Designate the virtual router instance as an Owner (Master)(p. 258)
■ virtual-ip-address -- Specify IP address to be supported by the virtual router instance(p. 282)
■ primary-ip-address -- Specify IP address the virtual router instance will use as a source in VRRP
advertisement messages(p. 264)
■ advertise-interval < 1 to 255 > -- Set time interval (in seconds) between sending VRRP
advertisement messages(p. 219)
■ priority < 1 to 255 > -- Configure priority for the virtual router instance(p. 265)
■ preempt-mode -- Enable/disable preempt mode for the virtual router instance(p. 264)
■ preempt-delay-time < 1 to 600 > -- Enable the pre-emptive delay timer for the virtual router
instance(p. 264)
■ failback -- Trigger VR to failback to its configured priority value(p. 233)
■ failover -- Trigger VR to failover to a peer(p. 233)
■ track -- Enable/disable tracking for VR(p. 278)
■ enable -- Enable/disable operation of the virtual router instance(p. 232)
■ [no] interface vlan VLAN-ID vrrp
Usage: [no] vlan <VLAN-ID> vrrp vrid <VRID> [...]
Description: Enable/disable/congure VRRP operation on the VLAN.
Use 'vrrp vrid <VRID> ?' to get a list of all possible options.
This is a VLAN context command. It can be called directly from
the VLAN context or follow the 'vlan VLAN-ID' command.
Next Available Option:
■ vrid < 1 to 255 > -- Configure a virtual router instance for the VLAN(p. 284)
284© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
interfaceCommand Line Interface Reference Guide