
task-related user exits 280
schedule flag word 280
SPI parameters 257
stub program 249, 250
ename 251
statname 251
syncpoint manager calls 270
backing out changes 274
committing changes 274
restart resynchronization 274
sample pseudocode 272
syncpoint manager parameters 258
table entries 280
task manager calls 274
limitations 275
task manager parameters 260
UEPCALAM, address of the caller’s AMODE
indication byte 255
UEPEIB, address of EIB 254
UEPEXN, address of function definition 253
UEPFLAGS, address of schedule flag word 254
UEPGAA, address of global work area 253
UEPGAL, length of global work area 254
UEPHMSA, address of register save area 254
UEPPBTOK, address of performance block
token 256
UEPRMQUA, address of the resource manager
qualifier name 255
UEPRMSTK, address of the kernel stack entry 254
UEPSECBLK, address of a fullword addressing the
user security block 255
UEPSECFLG, address of the user security flag 255
UEPSYNCA, address of the single-update indication
byte 255
UEPTAA, address of local work area 254
UEPTAL, length of local work area 254
UEPTIND, address of the caller’s task
indicators 255
UEPUOWDS, address of the APPC unit of work
identifier 255
UEPURID, address of unit of recovery identifier 254
UERTFGP, function group indicator 257
UERTFID, caller identifier 257
using CICS commands 269
using EDF 278
with storage protection
data storage key 268, 397
execution key 267
work areas 269
TBEXITS, system initialization parameter 13, 231
TCAM (telecommunications access method)
3270 706
abend and restart 707
application program 709
application program interface 694
attach TIOA 698
communication control bytes 704
data format 696
DD card correlation 694
default actions taken by DFHTACP 703
devices 704
TCAM (telecommunications access method)
generalized message format 706
input process queue 695
line locking 702
line pool restrictions 702
line pool specifications 701
logic flow 697
message control program (MCP) 694, 710
message handler 694
message routing 700
OPTCD operand 700
permanent line lock 702
POOL feature 701
pool of common TCTTEs 696
queue considerations 703
queue locks 703
read 697
segment processing 700
sequence of events 697
startup 707
temporary line lock 702
terminal abnormal condition program
terminal control program 415
terminal entries 696
terminal error program 699
terminal error program (DFHTEP) 415
termination 708
TPROCESS block 694
unsolicited input 703
user exits 707
batch processing 694
communication control bytes 692
device message handler (DMH) 692
error processing 694
batch logical units 694
FMH processing 693
IEDRH macro 693
protocol management 692
SETEOM macro 694
SNA character string (SCS) 692
TCAMFET=SNA operand 692
transaction control 693
with CICS 692
TCP (terminal control program)
ACF/VTAM section 457
TACLE (terminal abnormal condition line entry) 416
TEB (terminal error block) 418
templates, for autoinstall of APPC connections 514
temporary line lock 702
TEP (terminal error program)
abnormal conditions 416
CICS components 415
communication area 417
address contents 438
default table 419
define terminal error blocks
DFHTEP recursive retry routine 445
example 446
Index 835