
The significance of the parameters is as follows:
Parameter 1
The address of a single byte with bit definitions indicating the reason for the
(X'40') Start of CICS task
(X'80') End of CICS task.
Parameter 2
This parameter is passed only on end-of-task calls. It is the address of a
4-character field which contains the next transaction code specified on the
EXEC CICS RETURN command. If the transaction ends with an EXEC CICS
RETURN without specifying a next transaction, this field is set to nulls.
The schedule flag word should be set during the start-of-task call if you want your
task-related user exit program to be invoked unconditionally by the CICS syncpoint
CICS termination manager parameters:
All task-related user exit programs that
have been enabled with the SHUTDOWN option of the EXEC CICS ENABLE
command, and started, are invoked at CICS termination to allow them to do the
clean-up processing that is appropriate to the type of termination. At CICS
termination, the address of a one-byte termination code is passed to your exit
program. The code may consist of any of the following bit settings:
(X'80') CICS orderly shutdown
(X'40') CICS immediate shutdown
(X'20') CICS abend, retry possible, TCBs dispatchable
(X'10') CICS abend, retry not possible, TCBs dispatchable
(X'01') CICS abend, retry not possible, TCBs not dispatchable.
For further information about shutdown TRUEs, see “Coding a program to be
invoked at CICS termination” on page 275.
CICS EDF build parameters:
On EDF invocations, the address contained in
register 1 of the calling program’s RSA points to the UEPEDFRM DSECT. This
contains the following fields:
The address of the application’s R1 parameter list.
the task-related user exit program
Chapter 2. Task-related user exit programs 261