
VSAM sphere with which it is associated. It contains the
date when activity against the VSAM sphere was brought to
an end (quiesced).
A time (HHMMSST+) in packed decimal format. This field is
set only when the file is the last file to close against the
VSAM sphere with which it is associated. It contains the
time when activity against the VSAM sphere was brought to
an end.
A flag-byte indicating the availability of this data set. If set,
the value is:
Data set marked unavailable.
Address of a read-only copy of the ACB for a VSAM file, or
the DCB for a BDAM file. Set only after completion of a
successful open.
Address of a byte containing the return codes for the request. This
has one of the following values:
Normal response.
Warning response.
Failure response.
Pending response. The ‘Pending’ response can be returned
only after a CLOSE request. It indicates that, as a result of
the CLOSE request, a closure is pending on the file, the file
is being quiesced. When all activity against the file has
completed, it is closed. Note that, if enabled, the XFCSREQ
and XFCSREQC exits are driven again, when the actual
closure takes place.
Address of a halfword recursion counter. The counter is set to 0
when the exit is first invoked, and is incremented for each recursive
1. The first seven fields of UEPFINFO (UEFLNAME through UEFDSACC)
are set for all requests; that is, following an OPEN, CLOSE, ENABLE,
or DISABLE request.
2. The next three fields (UEFBCRV, UEFFRLOG, and UEFFRCLG) are
valid only after a successful OPEN request.
3. The fields UEFCDATE through UEFCBCAS are set only after a
successful CLOSE request. After all other requests, if the file is already
closed, if the closure fails, or if the closure is pending, these fields are
set to nulls.
file control file state program exits
Chapter 1. Global user exit programs 103