
v The parameters DCBS and EXITS are aligned on a fullword boundary, and the
first four bytes ‘00bb’ contain the binary number of fullwords in the following
functional data.
v If the ‘bb’ field for any parameter is zero, the parameter is ignored.
v If a subentry in the functional data is all binary zeros, it is ignored.
v If any subentry is not within the length indicated by ‘bb’, it is ignored.
v In the DDNAMES functional data, each subentry consists of an 8-byte ddname to
replace a default ddname used by DFHCSDUP. DFHCSDUP does not use the
first three subentries of the DDNAMES parameter. The fourth, fifth, and sixth
subentries, if present, replace the ddnames of DFHCSD, SYSIN, and SYSPRINT,
v In the DCBS functional data, each subentry consists of two fullwords. The first
word is not used by CICS. The second word contains the address of an open
DCB or ACB. You must ensure that the DCB or ACB has been opened with the
correct attributes, which are:
The address of any end-of-data routine (EODAD) or I/O error routine
(SYNAD) in the DCB is overlaid by DFHCSDUP.
DFHCSDUP does not use the first three subentries of the DCBS parameter. The
fourth, fifth, and sixth subentries, if present, are used instead of the internal
DCBs or ACBs for DFHCSD, SYSIN, and SYSPRINT, respectively.
v In the EXITS parameter, each subentry consists of a single fullword containing
the address of an exit routine. You must specify the exit routines in the order
shown in Figure 111 on page 753. (The user exits are described in “The user exit
points in DFHCSDUP” on page 755.)
Responsibilities of the user program
Before invoking DFHCSDUP, your calling program must ensure that:
v AMODE(24) and RMODE(24) are in force
v System/370™ register conventions are obeyed
v If the EXITS parameter is passed, any programming environment needed by the
exit routines has been initialized
v Any ACBs or DCBs passed for use by DFHCSDUP are OPEN.
invoking DFHCSDUP from a user program
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide