
CICS key.
If storage protection is active, and you do not specify a
value, the resumed task executes in User key.
If storage protection is not active, the resumed task
executes in CICS key.
Address of the transaction abend control block (TACB) for the
abend. If the abend occurred because of a program check, the
information in the TACB includes:
v The program status word (PSW)
v The registers at the time of the abend
v The execution key at the time of the abend
v Details of the subspace and access registers current at the time
of the abend.
You can map the TACB using the DFHTACB TYPE=DSECT macro.
Return codes
Continue processing.
Task purged during XPI call.
A resume address has been supplied.
XPI calls
All can be used.
The sample XPCTA global user exit program, DFH$PCTA
The sample program tests whether the abend was caused by the application
program trying to overwrite CICS-key storage in the CDSA or ECDSA, while running
in user key. If this was the case, the sample changes the execution key to CICS,
and retries the failing instruction.
You can use the sample program to identify, without abending, those programs that
need to be deļ¬ned with EXECKEY(CICS), because they intentionally modify a
CICS-key DSA. For details of how to do this, see the prolog of DFH$PCTA.
DFH$PCTA can be extended for transaction isolation.
XPCABND is invoked before a transaction dump call: you can use it to suppress
the dump.
When invoked
Before a transaction dump call is made.
program control program exits
Chapter 1. Global user exit programs 169