
UEPTRLV1 (X'80')
RMI level 1 trace is active.
UEPTRLV2 (X'40')
RMI level 2 trace is active.
Having tested this field, the task-related user exit could, for example, issue
an EXEC CICS SET TRACETYPE command to reset the level of RMI
DFHUERTR (the function definition)
The function definition identifies the caller of the task-related user exit program. The
DSECT contains two symbolic definitions (fields).
A single byte that is set to X'00'. The zero setting shows that this is a
task-related user exit invocation and that the parameter list therefore
includes the fields UEPTAA, UEPTAL, UEPEIB, UEPURID, and
A single-byte identifier that shows whether this call has been made by the
CICS SPI, an application program, the CICS syncpoint manager, the CICS
task manager, or EDF, or whether this is a CICS termination call. It can
have one of the following six settings:
(X'01') CICS SPI call.
(X'02') Application program call.
(X'04') CICS syncpoint manager call.
(X'08') CICS task manager call.
(X'0A') CICS termination call.
(X'0C') EDF call.
It is important to know which type of program has made the call because it affects
how the calling program’s parameter list is interpreted by the task-related user exit
Caller parameter lists
In addition to the DSECTs DFHUEPAR and DFHUERTR, the inclusion of
DFHUEXIT TYPE=RM in the task-related user exit program provides some field
definitions that are specific to the caller of the task-related user exit. The calling
program’s parameter list is normally addressed by R1 in the calling program’s RSA.
This RSA is addressed by field UEPHMSA of DFHUEPAR. These parameters are
described below.
CICS SPI parameters:
If you enable your task-related exit program with the SPI
option of the EXEC CICS ENABLE PROGRAM command (or the program itself
“expresses interest” in SPI calls—see “The schedule flag word” on page 265), the
the task-related user exit program
Chapter 2. Task-related user exit programs 257