
specifies an error group index for the error processor. This index is used to
name the error processor, locate its address from the error processor vector
table (EPVT), and optionally associate it with an ESB in each NEB. The index
specified must be a 2-character representation of a 1-byte hexadecimal number
in the range X'01' through X'FF' (a leading zero can be omitted). The error
processor name has the form NEPROCxx, where “xx” is the error group index.
A CSECT statement of this name is generated, which causes the error
processor code to be assembled at the end of the node error program module
and to have its own addressability.
If you intend to add your own error processors to the sample node error program,
you should consider the following factors:
v The layout of the communication area. The communication area is described in
detail in Figure 25 on page 459.
v The fact that certain functions cannot be used within DFHZNEP. (See
“Restrictions on the use of EXEC CICS commands” on page 475.)
v The register conventions used by the sample node error program. These are
described in Table 22.
Table 22. Register assignment
Register Use
0 Work register
1 Address of the EXEC parameter list
2 NEB base register (DFHSNEP only)
3 ESB base register (DFHSNEP only) NEP error class register (DFHZNEPI
4 NEP name pointer register (DFHZNEPI only)
5 NEP interface base register (DFHZNEPI only)
6 Work register
7 Work register
8 Work register
9 Work register
10 Code base register
11 Address of the EIB
12 Address of the communication area
13 Address of DFHEISTG storage
14 CSVT base and error processor link register Common subroutine link
15 Error processor branch register Common subroutine branch register.
1. Register 14 must be saved for return from error processors. The common
subroutine vector table (CSVT) is coded after the BALR to the error processor
and so this register is also the CSVT base.
2. Registers 1, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are set up on entry to error processors.
3. Registers 14 through 11 can be saved by error processors in an area reserved
in EXEC interface storage at label NEPEPRS. Registers 15 through 11 do not
need to be restored before return from error processors.
the sample node error program
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide