
Exit XBMIN .........................28
Exit XBMOUT ........................28
The field element table structure .................29
Programming the XBMIN exit ..................30
Programming the XBMOUT exit .................30
Bridge facility exit .......................32
Exit XFAINTU ........................32
Data tables management exits XDTRD, XDTAD, and XDTLC .......33
Exit XDTRD ........................33
Exit XDTAD.........................36
Exit XDTLC.........................37
DBCTL interface control program exit XXDFA .............39
DBCTL tracking program exits XXDFB and XXDTO ...........40
Exit XXDFB.........................40
Exit XXDTO ........................41
Dispatcher domain exits XDSBWT and XDSAWT ............42
Exit XDSBWT ........................42
Exit XDSAWT ........................42
DL/I interface program exits XDLIPRE and XDLIPOST ..........44
Exit XDLIPRE ........................45
Exit XDLIPOST .......................47
Dump domain exits XDUREQ, XDUREQC, XDUCLSE, and XDUOUT ....49
Exit XDUREQ ........................49
The sample program for the XDUREQ exit, DFH$XDRQ ........52
Exit XDUREQC .......................52
Exit XDUCLSE .......................55
Exit XDUOUT ........................55
Enqueue EXEC interface program exits XNQEREQ and XNQEREQC ....57
Exit XNQEREQ .......................57
Exit XNQEREQC.......................58
The command-level parameter structure ..............59
Sample exit program, DFH$XNQE ................63
EXEC interface program exits XEIIN, XEIOUT, XEISPIN, and XEISPOUT . . . 65
The command parameter list ..................65
Bypassing commands .....................66
Exit XEIIN .........................66
Exit XEISPIN ........................67
Exit XEIOUT ........................68
Exit XEISPOUT .......................68
File control EXEC interface API exits XFCREQ and XFCREQC.......70
The command-level parameter structure ..............71
Modifying fields in the command-level parameter structure .......74
Modifying the EID ......................76
Use of the task token UEPTSTOK ................77
Use of the parameter UEPFSHIP.................77
Example of how XFCREQ and XFCREQC can be used ........78
Exit XFCREQ ........................79
Exit XFCREQC .......................80
File control EXEC interface SPI exits XFCAREQ and XFCAREQC .....83
Exit XFCAREQ .......................84
Exit XFCAREQC .......................85
The command-level parameter structure ..............86
Modifying fields in the command-level parameter structure .......91
Modifying the EID ......................94
Use of the task token UEPTSTOK ................95
iv CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide