
Overriding Client-specified TERMIDs
If TERMIDs are always nominated, in a consistent way, by your Client EPI
programs, the problem of data mismatch due to server programs recording
TERMIDs should not occur.
However, Client-specified TERMIDs could clash with non-Client remote TERMIDs;
or, if several Clients are attached to the same CICS system, with each other. If this
occurs in the region on which the CTIN transaction runs, for consistency your
autoinstall control program may need to allocate alias TERMIDs, rather than relying
on the aliases provided by CICS. (That is, it may need to relate particular TERMIDs
to particular Client workstations, as previously described.)
If a name clash occurs in an AOR, the autoinstall control program is invoked in the
AOR. It can resolve the conflict by allocating an alias terminal identifier to the
shipped definition.
The autoinstall control program at INSTALL
The autoinstall control program is invoked at INSTALL for:
v Local VTAM terminals
v Local APPC single-session connections initiated by a CINIT
v Local APPC parallel-session connections initiated by a BIND
v Local APPC single-session connections initiated by a BIND
v Client virtual terminals
v Remote shipped terminals and connections (including shipped definitions of
Client virtual terminals).
On each invocation, CICS passes a parameter list to the control program by means
of a communication area addressed by DFHEICAP. The parameter list passed at
INSTALL of local terminals and APPC single-session connections initiated by CINIT
is described in “The communication area at INSTALL for terminals” on page 488.
The parameter list passed at INSTALL of local APPC connections initiated by BIND
requests is described in “The communication area at INSTALL for APPC
connections” on page 516. The parameter list passed at INSTALL of shipped
terminals and connections is described in “The communications area at INSTALL for
shipped terminals” on page 526. This section describes only INSTALL of Client
virtual terminals.
The communications area at INSTALL for Client virtual terminals
The communications area is mapped by the DSECT for the assembler version of
DFHZATDX, which is supplied in CICSTS13.CICS.SDFHMAC.
Note: The communications area for INSTALL of virtual terminals is the same as
that for INSTALL of shipped terminals and connections—that is why the field
names contain the word “SHIPPED”.
the autoinstall control program for virtual terminals
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide