
DFHZNEP, user-replaceable node error program 449
dictionary data section, CICS monitoring records 666,
disabling journals 631
dispatcher functions of the XPI 300
display function of the overseer program 610
distributed program link (DPL)
dynamic routing of requests
changing the program name 559
changing the target region 559
eligibility for routing 557
error handling 561
terminating a request 560
when the routing program is invoked 558
distributed routing
of BTS activities
changing the target region 579
eligibility for routing 577
error handling 579
running the activity locally 579
when the routing program is invoked 578
of non-terminal-related START requests
changing the target region 583
eligibility for routing 581
error handling 584
running the transaction locally 583
when the routing program is invoked 582
overview 575
sample programs 593
the user program
error handling procedure 579, 584
naming of 593
parameters 585
when invoked 578, 582
distributed routing of BTS activities
eligibility for routing 577
distributed routing program, DFHDSRP
differences from dynamic routing program 576
overview 575
distributed routing program (DFHDSRP)
changing the target region 579, 583
communications area 585
error handling 579, 584
invoking on abend 580, 584
processing considerations 580, 584
renaming customized version 593
routing a BTS activity 579
routing non-terminal-related START requests 583
sample program 593
when invoked 578, 582
DMH (device message handler) 692
DSECTPR operand
DSRTPGM, system initialization parameter 593
DTRPGM, system initialization parameter 573
DTRTRAN, system initialization parameter 552
dump control functions of the XPI 314
dynamic allocation sample program (DYNALLOC)
flow of control 717
help feature 715
introduction 713
keywords, abbreviation rules 716
system programming considerations 716
terminal operation 714
values 715
DYNAMIC option 550
dynamic routing
of program-link requests
changing the program name 559
changing the target region 559
eligibility for routing 557
error handling 561
terminating a request 560
when the routing program is invoked 558
of transactions
changing the program name 553
changing the target region 552
error handling 554
information passed to routing program 551
overview 550
resource definition 550
terminating a transaction 553
the user program 550
overview 549
sample programs 574
the user program
error handling procedure 554, 561
link-edit statements 405
naming of 573
parameters 562
testing of 573
when invoked 550, 558
dynamic routing of DPL requests
eligibility for routing 557
when the routing program is invoked 558
dynamic routing program (DFHDYP)
changing the program name 553, 559
changing the target region 552, 559
communications area 562
error handling 554, 561
information passed to 551
invoking on abend 555, 561
link-edit statements 405
modifying application’s communications area 555,
modifying initial terminal data 555
overview 549
processing considerations 556, 562
receiving information from routed DPL request
monitoring the output COMMAREA 562
receiving information from routed transaction
monitoring the output COMMAREA 556
monitoring the output TIOA 556
renaming customized version 573
routing a program-link request 560
routing a transaction 553
sample program 574
testing customized version 573
Index 827