
The termination exit
The purpose of the termination exit is to allow you to perform final housekeeping
duties. It is invoked before a normal or an abnormal termination of DFHCSDUP.
When invoked
Invoked once, before termination of DFHCSDUP.
Exit-specific parameters
Address of a 1-byte field that indicates the mode of termination. Its
possible values are:
X'00' Normal termination
X'F0' Abnormal termination.
Your exit program cannot reset the value in this field.
Return codes
Continue processing.
Irrecoverable error. This causes DFHCSDUP to terminate with a
return code of ‘8’.
XPI calls
Must not be used.
The sample program, DFH$CUS1
The CICS-supplied sample program, DFH$CUS1, illustrates how DFHCSDUP can
be invoked from a user program. It is written as a command processor (CP) for
execution under the TSO/E operating system.
Note that DFH$CUS1 uses different DCB and ACB names from those normally
used by DFHCSDUP. Ensure that these are allocated before running the program
under TSO/E.
invoking DFHCSDUP from a user program
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide