
Installing shipped terminals and connections .............523
CICS-generated aliases ....................524
Resetting the terminal identifier .................524
The autoinstall control program at INSTALL ..............525
The communications area at INSTALL for shipped terminals .......526
The autoinstall control program at DELETE ..............528
Default actions of the sample programs ...............529
Chapter 14. Writing a program to control autoinstall of Client virtual
terminals .........................531
How Client virtual terminals are autoinstalled .............531
Autoinstall models ......................531
Terminal identifiers ......................532
Why override TERMIDs? ....................533
The autoinstall control program at INSTALL ..............534
The communications area at INSTALL for Client virtual terminals .....534
The autoinstall control program at DELETE ..............536
Default actions of the sample programs ...............537
Chapter 15. Writing a program to control autoinstall of programs ....539
Preliminary considerations ....................539
Autoinstall model definitions...................540
Autoinstalling programs invoked by EXEC CICS LINK commands .....540
Autoinstall processing of mapsets ................541
System autoinstall ......................541
Benefits of autoinstall ......................541
Reduced system administration costs ...............541
Saving in virtual storage ....................541
Faster startup times......................542
Requirements for autoinstall....................542
The autoinstall control program at INSTALL ..............543
The sample autoinstall control program for programs, DFHPGADX .....546
Customizing the sample program .................546
Resource definition ......................547
Testing and debugging your program ...............548
Chapter 16. Writing a dynamic routing program ...........549
Dynamic transaction routing....................550
Dynamic transactions .....................550
When the dynamic routing program is invoked ............550
Information passed to the dynamic routing program ..........551
Changing the target CICS region .................552
Changing the program name ..................553
Telling CICS whether to route or terminate a transaction ........553
If the system is unavailable or unknown ..............554
Invoking the dynamic routing program at end of routed transactions ....554
Invoking the dynamic routing program on abend ...........555
Modifying the initial terminal data .................555
Modifying the application’s communications area ...........555
Receiving information from a routed transaction ...........556
Some processing considerations .................556
Unit of work considerations ...................557
Dynamic routing of DPL requests ..................557
When the dynamic routing program is invoked ............558
Changing the target CICS region .................559
Changing the program name ..................559
Contents xi