
INQUIRE_TRANDEF function of the XPI 375
INQUIRE_TRANSACTION function of the XPI 383
interactive logical unit error processor 469
intersystem queues
controlling the length of
using the XISCONA global user exit 127
using the XZIQUE global user exit 237
INTLU error processor 469
ISSUE PASS command 464
ISTINCLM entries for automatic installation 770
job control for sample DFHTEP generation 426
journal control label header 646
journal module identifiers 652
journal record, old format 648
journal record formats
caller data, file control 637
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 format 632
FEPI prefix 644
journal control label header 646
label header 646
label prefix 647
log block header 634
new format journal record 635
old format 645
old format journal record 648
start-of-run record 636
system header 648
system prefix 649
terminal control prefix 644
user prefix 649
journal records
data section format 655
module identifiers 652
written to SMF 653
disabling 631
enabling 631
reading 631
offline 632
JVM environment variables program, DFHJVMAT 603
kernel domain functions of the XPI 320
label header 646
label prefix 647
line locking
permanent lock, TCAM 702
temporary lock, TCAM 702
line pool specifications (TCAM)
POOL feature 701
restrictions 702
loader functions of the XPI 321
log block header, journal records 634
log manager functions of the XPI 329
logic flow, TCAM 697
logical units (LUs)
node error program 457
LOGON mode table, VTAM 767
MAXERRS operand
MAXTIDS operand
MCT (monitoring control table)
entries for DBCTL 661
entries for EMPs 658
messages, TCAM
control program 704, 710
DEST operand 700
format 705
handler 694
MCP (message control program) 710
routing 700
MN, system initialization parameter 662
MNEVE, system initialization parameter 662
MNEXC, system initialization parameter 662
MNPER, system initialization parameter 662
model definitions
for autoinstall of APPC connections 514
for automatic installation of programs 540
model terminal support
coding entries 487
MONITOR function of the XPI 331
control commands 662
control table (MCT) 658
data section format 666
DFHMCT entries for DBCTL 661
DFHMCTDR, the dictionary DSECT 666
DFHSIT entries 662
dictionary data section 666, 672
event-monitoring point (EMP) 658
exception class data 657
exception data section format 674
exception data sections 674
field connectors 672, 673
field identifiers 673
functions of the XPI 330
monitoring control table 658
overview 657
passing the data to SMF 662
performance class data 657
performance record format 672
purpose 657
record formats 663
record types 657
SMF 662
SMF header 663
SMF product section 663
monitoring control table (MCT) 658
MVS consoles
automatic installation 505
MVS router exit 722
830 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide