
X'02' Set if the request contains an argument for the
ENABLESTATUS keyword. If set, FC_ADDR15 is meaningful.
X'01' Set if the request contains an argument for the RECOVSTATUS
keyword. If set, FC_ADDR16 is meaningful.
Not used by file control.
Not used by file control.
Not used by file control.
Existence bits which specify which arguments were specified. The
comments below FC_BITS1 also apply to FC_BITS3.
X'80' Set if the request contains an argument for the
ACCESSMETHOD keyword. If set, FC_ADDR17 is meaningful.
X'40' Set if the request contains an argument for the TYPE keyword.
If set, FC_ADDR18 is meaningful.
X'20' Set if the request contains an argument for the OBJECT
keyword. If set, FC_ADDR19 is meaningful.
X'10' Set if the request contains an argument for the
REMOTESYSTEM keyword. If set, FC_ADDR20 is meaningful.
X'08' Set if the request contains an argument for the REMOTENAME
keyword. If set, FC_ADDR21 is meaningful.
X'04' Set if the request contains an argument for the
RECORDFORMAT keyword. If set, FC_ADDR22 is meaningful.
X'02' Set if the request contains an argument for the
BLOCKFORMAT keyword. If set, FC_ADDR23 is meaningful.
X'01' Set if the request contains an argument for the KEYLENGTH
keyword. If set, FC_ADDR24 is meaningful.
Existence bits which specify which arguments were specified. The
comments below FC_BITS1 also apply to FC_BITS4.
X'80' Set if the request contains an argument for the KEYPOSITION
keyword. If set, FC_ADDR25 is meaningful.
X'40' Set if the request contains an argument for the RECORDSIZE
keyword. If set, FC_ADDR26 is meaningful.
X'20' Set if the request contains an argument for the RELTYPE
keyword. If set, FC_ADDR27 is meaningful.
X'10' Set if the request contains an argument for the EXCLUSIVE
keyword. If set, FC_ADDR28 is meaningful.
X'08' Set if the request contains an argument for the BLOCKKEYLEN
keyword. If set, FC_ADDR29 is meaningful.
X'04' Set if the request contains an argument for the BLOCKSIZE
keyword. If set, FC_ADDR30 is meaningful.
X'02' Not used by file control.
File control EXEC interface SPI exits XFCAREQ and XFCAREQC
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide