
Note: If you modify the EID, you must be careful not to create inconsistent
parameters. For example, if the original request specified SET FILE OPEN
and your exit turned on the EID bit for CLOSED, the resulting SET FILE
request would specify both OPEN and CLOSED. In this case, the results of
the command would be unpredictable.
Use of the task token UEPTSTOK
UEPTSTOK provides the address of a 4-byte area that you can use to pass
information between successive file control SPI requests in the same task. (By
contrast, UEPFATOK is usable only for the duration of a single file control SPI
request, because its contents may be destroyed at the end of the request.) For
example, if you need to pass information between successive invocations of
XFCAREQ exit, UEPTSTOK provides a means of doing this.
Modifying user arguments
User exit programs can modify user arguments as follows:
v For input arguments, your exit program should obtain sufficient storage to hold
the modified argument, set up the required value, and set the associated pointer
in the parameter list to the address of the newly acquired area.
v For output and input/output arguments, your exit program can update the
argument in place, because the area of storage is represented in the application
by a variable that is expected to receive a value from CICS.
Adding user arguments
Your exit program can add user arguments, provided that it is allowed to modify the
corresponding existence bit in the EID. Assuming that the argument to be added
does not already exist, your exit program must:
1. Obtain storage for the argument to be added
2. Initialize the storage to the required value
3. Select and set up the appropriate pointer from the parameter list
4. Select and set up the appropriate existence bit in Arg0
5. If necessary, modify the parameter list to reflect the new end-of-list indicator.
Removing user arguments
Your exit program can remove user arguments, provided that it is allowed to modify
the corresponding existence bit in the EID. Assuming that the argument to be
removed exists, your exit program must:
1. Switch the corresponding argument existence bit in Arg0 to zero
2. Modify the parameter list to reflect the new end-of-list indicator.
File control EXEC interface SPI exits XFCAREQ and XFCAREQC
Chapter 1. Global user exit programs 95