
v Your program should always start, like the sample program, by testing the
GNTRAN_START_TRANSID field of the communications area passed by CICS.
If it finds that the “good night” transaction was started for any reason other than a
terminal timeout (for example, by an EXEC CICS START request), timeout
processing may not be appropriate.
v To obtain the communications area of the timed-out transaction in a
pseudoconversation, your program must issue an EXEC CICS RECEIVE
command. (The communication area passed to it on invocation is not that of the
timed-out transaction, but contains information about the timed-out transaction.)
v If your program tries to sign off the terminal user, the result depends on what is
specified on the SIGNOFF option of the terminal’s TYPETERM definition:
YES The terminal is signed off, but not logged off.
NO The terminal remains logged on and signed on.
The terminal is both signed off and logged off.
v Specify the identifier (TRANSID) of your “good night” transaction on the GNTRAN
system initialization parameter.
If you have customized the sample program, DFH0GNIT, specify the supplied
sample transaction definition, GNIT.
If you have written your own “good night” program, named something other than
DFH0GNIT, you must create and install a transaction definition that points to your
program, and specify this definition on the GNTRAN SIT parameter.
sample good night program
Chapter 29. Writing a “good night” program 737