
Java (Optional)
The Bluetooth control panel can be accessed by tapping Start | Settings | Control Panel | Bluetooth or by doubletapping the
Bluetooth icon in the taskbar or on the desktop.
Java (Optional)
Installed by LXE. Files can be accessed by tapping Start | Programs | JEM-CE. Doubletap the EVM icon to open the EVM
Console. A folder of Java examples and Plug-ins is also installed with the Java option. LXE does not support Java applications
running on the mobile device.
LXE RFTerm (Optional)
Installed by LXE. The application can be accessed by clicking Start | Programs | RFTerm.
Wavelink Avalanche Enabler Optional
The Wavelink Avalanche Enabler installation file is loaded on the MX3X by LXE; however, the device is not configured to
launch the installation file automatically. The installation application must be run manually the first time Avalanche is used.
Following installation, the Wavelink Avalanche Enabler will be an auto-launch application. This behavior can be modified by
accessing the Avalanche Update Settings panel through the Enabler Interface.
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 29 ] MX3X Reference Guide