Battery Well Vent Aperture
Endcap Options
Left Port (2) Right Port (3) See (4)
Serial COM3 Serial COM1 Audio Jack
Serial COM3 USB Client Audio Jack
USB Host Serial COM1 Audio Jack
USB Host USB Client Audio Jack
Scanner Serial COM1 Audio Jack
Scanner USB Client Audio Jack
Serial COM3 Serial COM1 Antenna
Serial COM3 USB Client Antenna
USB Host Serial COM1 Antenna
USB Host USB Client Antenna
Battery Well Vent Aperture
Caution --- The vent aperture in the battery well should never be blocked with any device other than an approved LXE main
battery. The vent aperture functions to relieve any heat or pressure that may build up in the MX3X during everyday use.
If the vent hole is covered by an object, e.g. a tracking label, other than an approved LXE main battery, the touch screen may
be damaged. If damage occurs to the touch screen, please contact your LXE representative for the process to follow when
returning the device to LXE for repair.
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 4 ] MX3X Reference Guide