
To use WPA/LEAP, make sure the following profile options are used.
l Enter the SSID of the Access Point assigned to this profile
l Set EAP Type to LEAP
l Set Encryption to WPA TKIP
l Set Auth Type as follows:
l If the Cisco/CCX certified AP is configured for open authentication, set the Auth Type radio parameter to
l If the AP is configured for network EAP only, set the Auth Type radio parameter to LEAP.
WPA/LEAP Profile Configuration
See Sign-On vs. Stored Credentials for information on entering credentials.
To use Stored Credentials, click on the Credentials button. No entries are necessary for Sign-On Credentials as the user will
be prompted for the Username and Password when connecting to the network.
WPA/LEAP Credentials
Enter the Domain\Username (if the Domain is required), otherwise enter the Username.
Enter the password.
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 214 ] MX3X Reference Guide