
Manufactured by IBM
This field contains a 1 if the resource was manufactured by IBM or a 2 if it was
Shared by multiple systems
This field contains a 1 if the resource is shared between multiple systems or a 2 if
it is not.
From logical displays:
You can select the Display detail option from various logical resource displays. This
option allows you to view additional information about a specific resource.
The following display shows detail for a communications port logical hardware
Note: The information that is displayed varies depending on the type of resource
that is chosen.
The following fields might appear on the detail display. For details on these fields
see the section entitled Display resource detailson page 73.
v Description
v Type-model
v Status (See Display resource statuson page 78 for details on the values.)
v Serial number
v Part number
v Resource name (logical)
The information in the fields below varies depending on the type of resource that
is chosen.
v SPD or PCI bus
System bus
Communication Hardware Resource Detail
Description............: Communications Port
Type-Model ............: 2620-001
Status ..............: Operational
Serial number...........: 10-3157011
Part number............: 0000059X4797
Resource name...........: CMN07
System bus ...........: 1
System board ..........: 0
System card...........: 6
Communications ..........:
I/Obus.............: 14
Adapter.............: 0
Port ..............: 0
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Print
F9=Change detail F12=Cancel
Figure 27. Example Communication Hardware Resource Detail display
76 Service Functions V5R2