
Select this option to display the threshold and overflow values of the ASP and
the assigned disk units. This display is also available under the Display disk
configuration option (see Display disk configurationon page 18).
v Delete user ASP
Select this option to delete a user-defined ASP (ASPs 2 through 16).
v Add units to ASPs
Select this option to add non-configured units to an existing ASP. This increases
the amount of storage that is assigned to the system ASP (ASP 1).
v Add units to ASPs and balance data
Select this option to add disk units to an existing ASP or to create an ASP and
add non-configured disk units to that ASP.
After the disk units are initialized and configured, the data on the other disk
units is moved to equally balance the capacity of all the disk units in the ASP.
v Delete ASP data
Select this option when you want to destroy the data in the ASP.
v Change ASP storage threshold
Select this option to display or change the threshold for the system auxiliary
storage pool (user ASPs are not supported). The system notifies you when the
threshold value is reached.
v Move units from one ASP to another
Select this option to change the assignment of a disk unit to another ASP.
v Remove units from configuration
Select this option to remove a disk unit from the ASP configuration. If the unit
being removed has data and there is space in the ASP, the system copies the
data to other units in the ASP. If there is not enough space in the ASP, the
system prompts you to delete the ASP data before removing the disk unit. The
unit that is removed becomes non-configured.
Attention: This is space-dependent. There must be enough space on the
remaining units to accommodate the data from the unit being removed.
Work with mirrored protection: Select this option to display or change mirrored
protection on the disk units.
v Display disk configuration
For details on this option, see the main heading, Display disk configurationon
page 18.
v Start mirrored protection
This option allows you to start mirrored protection on the selected Auxiliary
Storage Pool (ASP).
v Stop mirrored protection
This option allows you to stop mirrored protection on the selected Auxiliary
Storage Pool (ASP).
v Enable remote load-source mirroring
Select this option to turn on the ability to physically place the two units that
make up the mirrored load-source disk unit (unit 1) on different input-output
processors (IOP). This option does not start mirrored protection.
v Disable remote load-source mirroring
Select this option to turn off the ability to physically place the two units that
make up the mirrored load-source disk unit (unit 1) on different IOPs. This
option does not stop mirrored protection.
Chapter 1. Dedicated Service Tools (DST) 19