
Note: To end active jobs running on the facsimile IOP, use the ENDFAXSPT
2. If a line, IOP, device, network interface (NWI), or nonprogrammable
workstation is hung up, varying its configuration description off, then on (in
that sequence) provides recovery for some intermittent problems.
3. You cannot display or change cryptographic resources by using the
WRKCFGSTS command. To view these resources, use the Work with Hardware
Resources (WRKHDWRSC) command.
Commonly used OS/400 service commands
The following list provides a quick reference to some of the commands that are
commonly used in servicing the iSeries server. For more information on some of
these service commands, see the iSeries Information Center.
OS/400 Command Function:
APYPTF Apply a Program Temporary Fix (PTF)
ANZPRB Analyze a new problem
CHGMSGQ QSYSOPR *BREAK Change message to break
CHGSRVA Change service attributes
CHGNETA Change network attributes
CHGSYSVAL Change system values (see 1 on page 303)
CHGXMTLVL Change transmit level of the facsimile I/O
processor (see Change Transmit Level
(CHGXMTLVL) commandon page 301)
CRTCTLBSC Create a controller description for a BSC
CRTCTLLWS Create local workstation I/O processors
CRTDEVDSP Create a local display device
CRTDEVPRT Create a local printer device
CRTDEVSPR Create a device description for a remote
CRTDEVTAP Create a local tape device
CRTLINASC Create a line descriptor for an asynchronous
DLTPRB Delete all entries in problem log over 30
days old
DSPJOB Display a job
DSPJOBLOG Display the job log
DSPLCLHDW Display local hardware
DSPLOG QHST Display the history log
DSPMSG QSYSOPR Display messages in the system operators
message queue
DSPPFM Display physical file member
DSPPTF Display Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs)
DSPSFWRSC Display software resources
DSPSYSVAL Display system values (for example, QTIME)
(see 1 on page 303)
296 Service Functions V5R2