
cccc LIC Component Reference Code (CRC). Identifies the LIC component and
subcomponent that generated the SRC.
pppp LIC Program Reference Code (PRC). Identifies the LIC class or component
that generated the SRC and the specific error detected.
qqqq LIC Program Reference Code Qualifier. SRC words found at functions 15-3
through 19-3 or 15-3 and 16-3, depending on the format, provide additional
error isolation information that is specific to the Program Reference Code.
One or more of these words may be 0000 0000. Format 61 has up to 5
words of PRC Qualifier, in words 5-9. The PRC determines the number of
PRC qualifer words. The content of words 5-9 is dependent on the value in
word 4. Format 62 has the PRC qualifier ONLY in words 5-6; there is
physical address and type information in words 7-9.
Bus/Card/Board identifiers of failing component (direct select address)
@@@@ Unit address
ssss Serial number of failing unit
TTTT Type number or card identification number of failing component (hex 2xxx
through 9FFF). May be 0000, if system data is not available at the time the
SRC is signaled.
ZZZZ Reserved
Model number of failing component (hex 2xxx through 9FFF). May be 0000,
if system data is not available at the time the SRC is signaled.
CCCC Cause code
Number of disk device facilities missing
General system status (see Chapter 6, System Reference Code (SRC)
Informationon page 191 for more information.)
x Any hexadecimal number
1. For information about Function 11 and 12, refer to Chapter 6, System
Reference Code (SRC) Informationon page 191.
2. Format 60 may contain data in a format other than that shown. Format 60 is an
old VLIC format, which some new LIC components use. It does not have the
component reference code and program reference code that format 61 and 62
have (61 and 62 were specifically defined for the new LIC). Format 60 is mostly
component-specific with no key information to indicate format (the developer
has to interpret it). Refer to the Problem Analysis information and perform the
problem isolation procedure used by the reference code to further define any
significant data.
LIC Unit Reference Code Groups
The four-digit unit reference codes follow. These codes are grouped by their first 2
or 4 digits. The groups are:
Group Number Description
00-01 Machine Check Handler
02 Storage Mgmt
Chapter 6. System Reference Code (SRC) Information 199