
program temporary fix option from the Program Temporary Fix (PTF) display). These
commands use the PTFINSTYP service attribute automatically when you do not
specify the Type field.
To change the value of the PTF install function, type:
The system default (*DLYIPL) is to designate all of the PTFs for a delayed type of
application, and then perform an IPL on the system.
Use the Help key for more information on the specific options.
Change Transmit Level (CHGXMTLVL) command
The CHGXMTLVL command is used to change the transmit level of the facsimile
I/O processor. The command exists in library QFAX and is accessible only to users
with *SERVICE authority.
Note: Do not change the transmit level unless you have direction from your next
level of support.
The command is supported in the Facsimile Support/400 Licensed Program.
The following parameters are used with the CHGXMTLVL command:
v CARD specifies the facsimile description name with which you want to work.
For more information on facsimile description names, see Application System/400
Facsimile Support/400 Users Guide and Reference, SC41-8245. The name must be a
member of file QAFFCFG in library QUSRSYS.
v TELPORT specifies the port with which you want to work. The only choices are
FAX1 or FAX2.
v XMTLVL specifies the new transmit level setting (XMTLVL) of the port.
Country- or region- defined transmit level ranges, and default values are
contained in the internal table of the Facsimile I/O processor (for example, type
2664). The code for the Facsimile I/O processor determines the proper transmit
level by detecting which country or region coupler is attached to the I/O
processor and automatically sets the transmit level range and default. The values
represent the negative dB level of the port.
Valid XMTLVL ranges, 0 through 30 (in whole number increments), and default
values vary by country or region. For example, the US and Canada range is 0 to
-15 dB, and the default is set to -9 dB. *DFT assigns the country- or region-
specific coupler default value.
Do not change the transmit level unless you have direction from your next level
of support. If you enter an XMTLVL value that is not within the valid range for
your country or region, the I/O processor selects the closest valid transmit level.
For example, if your countrys or regions valid range is -6 dB to -15dB and you
set the XMTLVL to 4, the IOP selects -6 dB.
1. At each ADDFAXCRD command request, the I/O processor tables are
2. There is no online help information available for the CHGXMTLVL command.
Appendix A. OS/400 301