
IPL. See initial program load.
ISMD tapes or CD-ROM. IBM distribution-removable
isolation. See problem isolation procedure.
LAN. See local area network.
LED. Light-emitting diode.
LGND. In data communications, logic ground.
LIC. See Licensed Internal Code.
license. A permission granted by competent authority
to engage in a business or occupation or in an action
otherwise unlawful.
Licensed Internal Code. Programming that defines
logical operations on data.
licensed program (LP). A separately orderable
program, supplied by IBM, that performs functions
related to processing user data. Examples of licensed
programs are Client Access for OS/400, COBOL/400,
iSeries Application Development Tools,
OfficeVision/400, and so on.
LICTR. Licensed Internal Code trouble report, which
is more commonly known as a LIC APAR. See
authorized program analysis report (APAR).
LID. (1) Load ID. (2) Local identifier.
LLB. In data communications, local loop back.
load source. A device used to move data or programs
into the system, for example, a CD-ROM or tape
load source disk unit. The disk unit that contains the
Licensed Internal Code (LIC) for the system. This unit
is always identified as unit number 1 in the disk
configuration displays.
local area network. The physical connection that
allows transfer of information among devices that are
on the same premises.
LP. See licensed program (LP).
LPP. See licensed program (LP) (formerly licensed
program product).
machine interface (MI). The instruction set that tells
the computer how to operate.
MED. Machine exception data.
media. Any storage type device.
MFIOP. Multifunction input/output processor.
mirrored protection. A function that protects data by
duplicating all disk unit data on one storage unit in an
auxiliary storage pool to another storage unit within
the same auxiliary storage pool.
MISR. Machine initialization status record.
MRI. Machine-readable information.
MSD. Main storage dump.
MSIOP. Magnetic storage device input/output
MTR. Microcode trouble report. Obsolete term; see
authorized program analysis report (APAR).
NACA. Node address communication area
NB2. In data communications, number bit 2.
NIA. Next instruction address register.
NWI(D). Network interface (description).
NWS. (1) Network server. (2) Nonprogrammable
OEM. Original equipment manufacturer.
OH or DP. In data communications, on hook/dial
online problem analysis and resolution. Online PAR
manages system errors and gives the customer
maximum system availability, effective problem
analysis, and a set of software tools for analyzing,
repairing, and reporting problems.
Operations Console. Allows a personal computer (PC)
to become a local or remote console to your iSeries
server. Operations Console has been enhanced to
enable connections or console activities across a local
area network (LAN), besides enabling directly cabled
and dial-in (modem) connections.
overview. A general survey or summary.
PAR. See online problem analysis and resolution.
PCC. Power control compartment.
PCI. In data communications, peripheral connector
interface (type of cable).
PIP. See problem isolation procedure.
planar. A circuit board that other cards plug into.
PM. Preventive maintenance.
PND. In data communications, present next digit.
pool. (1) A readily available supply. (2) A designated
place to store data.
328 Service Functions V5R2