
Table 48. High speed communications (continued)
Wrap connector pin to pin Connector pin Signal destination
29 to 27 29 RCLK B to DTE clock B
34 to 20 34 TD B to RD B
35 to 39 35 DTR B to DSR B
36 to 38 36 DTR A to DSR A
37 to 18 37 RD A to TD A
38 to 36 38 DSR A to DTR A
39 to 35 39 DSR B to DTR B
40 to 10 40 TCLK A to DTE clock A
41 to 27 41 TCLK B to DTE clock B
43 to 7 43 CID 1 to SGND
47 to 28 47 TSGND to RSGND
49 to 7 49 CID 2 to SGND
50 to 7 50 CI 3 to SGND
Advanced PCI communications console cable
Table 49. Advanced PCI communications console cable
Signal designation Adapter connector pin number DCE connector pin number
Ready for sending (CTS) to RTS 2 8
Data set ready (DSR) to DTR 4 6
Transmit data to Received data 6 3
Signal Ground (SGND) 9 5
Signal Ground (SGND) 10 5
Received data to Transmit data 13 2
DTR/CD to DSR 15 1,4
Signal Ground (SGND) 27 5
Request to send (RTS) to CTS 33 7
Cryptographic processor card and wrap connector wiring
Table 50. Cryptographic processor card and wrap connector wiring
Signal designation Wrap connector pin to pin
CD to RTS,CTS 1 to 7,8
RD to TD 2 to 3
DTR to DSR 4 to 6
246 Service Functions V5R2