
OS/400 Command Function:
STRSST Start the system service tools (see System
Service Tools (SST)on page 282)
SNDSRVRQS Test the support link
VFYCMN Show the Communications Verification
display (see Verify communicationson
page 308)
VFYOPT Verify optical library unit
VFYPRT Verify printer prints a pattern on the printer
VFYTAP Verify tape unit
VRYCFG Vary configuration (vary device, I/O
processor, or communications line on or off)
WRKALR Show the alert log
WRKCFGSTS Display the status of all I/O processors
WRKDEVD Work with device display
WRKORDINF Work with order information to build
topology files for upgrades
WRKOUTQ Work with output queue
WRKPRB Show the problem log display (see Online
problem analysis and resolutionon
page 290)
WRKHDWPRD Show the Work with Hardware Products
display (see Work with Hardware Products
(WRKHDWPRD) Commandon page 302)
WRKHDWRSC Displays the resource names
WRKSYSSTS Work with system status
To sign off the workstation, return to the main menu by selecting the end option, or
by pressing the System Request key. Then, enter 90 to sign off.
Work with System Value (WRKSYSVAL) Command
The system is shipped with system values that control different aspects of its
operation. The Work with System Value (WRKSYSVAL) command shows a list of
all system values. For more information, see the iSeries Information Center.
If you know the name of the system value you want to display or change, you can
use the Display System Value (DSPSYSVAL) or Change System Value
(CHGSYSVAL) command.
To work with system values:
2. From the Work with System Values display, you can request a list of all the
system values or a subset of that list.
v To list all system values, type *ALL in the Subset by type field.
v To list a subset of system values, enter a type in the Subset by type field.
(Press F4 for a list of types).
3. To change the system value, select the Change option.
298 Service Functions V5R2