
hardware resources, displaying
associated logical resources 67
card gap information 69
contained hardware 70
failed 70
failed resources 53
locate by name 50
location information 71
logical address 79
logical resources 49
non-reporting hardware function 71
non-reporting resource function 71
non-reporting resources 53
packaging hardware resources 47
resource details 73
resources associated with IOP 72
resources requiring attention 77
serial/part number 79
status 78, 79
status/resource name 79
system bus resources 79
on frames with a PCI bus 81
system information 82
system serial number 82
system type 82
unresolved locations 82
hardware service manager 30
change resource details 61
display associated logical
resources 67
display card gap information 69
display label location
worksheet 58
display resources requiring
attention 77
input/output (I/O) debug 66
locate resource by name 50
logical hardware resources 61
packaging hardware resources 61
remove non-reporting resource
information 83
system power control network
(SPCN) 55
verify 95
verify resources 92
work with service action log 56
symbols 93
hardware verification procedure 95, 308
Hardware-related errors URCs 200
hexadecimal report function 107, 115,
high speed link (HSL) 241
high speed link (HSL) options 84
high speed link (HSL) resources
option under logical hardware
resources display 84
history file 130
Hosting partition
definition 148
HSL (high speed link) options 84
HSL I/O bridge
HSL loop number 152
resource name 152
URCs 201
I/O bus extension unit, display
state 171
I/O configuration table (ICT),
display 171
I/O DASD subsystem 200
I/O hardware error URCs 200
I/O HRI URCs 201
I/O processor
communications test 311
IOP reset
option under hardware service
manager 79
storage dump 277, 279
I/O processor card
IOP reset
VRYCFG command 295
I/O processor failure 200
ID, user 25
identifier, system unique 127
identifying SRCs 193
identifying the consoles when the system
is operational 128
initial program load
See IPL (initial program load)
initial program load (IPL)
alternate installation 8, 218
alternate installation device 27
attended IPL 159
display selected
IPL modes 217
IPL speeds 162, 163, 177, 178, 217
IPL types 162, 163, 177, 178, 217
logical key modes 177, 178
functions performed during IPL 218
general information 217
IPL modes 217
IPL speeds 159
how to change 217
recommendations 217
IPL to DST 4, 6
IPL types 12, 217
key modes 159
Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
initialization 219
load source 27
manual mode 159
message area (IMSA) 172, 188
methods to perform
automatic restart 217
by date/time 217
from control panel 217
power on reset 217
programmed 217
normal mode 159
parameter area (IPARMS) 172
IPL key modes 163, 164
IPL speeds 163, 164
IPL types 163, 164
service processor initialization 218
start 165, 181
summary 218
types 159
unattended IPL 159
ways to perform
alternate IPL 8
initial program load (IPL) (continued)
ways to perform (continued)
alternate IPL to DST 8
from DST (dedicated service
tools) 11
IPL to DST 4, 6
manual mode IPL (IPL to DST) 6
type D IPL 8
initialize and format disk units
option 22
INZDKT command 296
INZTAP command 296
service processor (data areas
initialized) 218
system, install LIC 225, 226
input/output (I/O) debug 66
automatic installation of the operating
system 39
Licensed Internal Code 11, 226
operating system 11
install IPL status 200
installation device 327
disk unit IOP reset/reload 173, 190
IOP reset, option under hardware service
manager 79
power domain 173, 190
alternate 327
alternate installation 325
alternate installation media 325
general status 193
IPL status 193
machine checks 193
operating intervention 193
status SRCs 201
type D 330
ways to perform
alternate IPL 226
IPL (initial program load)
alternate installation 8, 218
alternate installation device 27
attended IPL 159
display selected
IPL modes 217
IPL speeds 162, 163, 177, 178, 217
IPL types 162, 163, 177, 178, 217
logical key modes 177, 178
functions performed during IPL 218
general information 217
IPL modes 217
IPL speeds 159
how to change 217
recommendations 217
IPL to DST 4, 6
IPL types 12, 217
key modes 159
Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
initialization 219
load source 27
manual mode 159
message area (IMSA) 172, 188