
v Take/Release ownership If this system presently owns the resource, selecting
this option will allow the system to release its ownership.
If this system does not presently own the resource, selecting this option will
allow the system to take ownership.
For more information on I/O debug, see Performing an IOP dump using
hardware service manager (All Models)on page 279 and the iSeries Licensed
Internal Code Diagnostic Aids - Volume 1 information.
Display address
From packaging displays:
Each packaging hardware resource has associated address information. The
address information is available only on the logical hardware resources displays.
To access address information from the packaging displays, you must select the
Associated logical resource(s) option (see Display associated resources).
From logical displays:
Select the Display detail option on various logical resources to view address
information (see Display resource detailson page 73).
1. The system configuration list printout shows logical address information. For
more information, see Printing the System Configuration Liston page 93.
2. You can also view logical address information from the product activity log
(see Chapter 3, Product Activity Logon page 99).
Display associated resources
From packaging displays:
Some packaging hardware resources have associated logical resources. Logical
hardware resources represent the function of the hardware. Select the Associated
logical resource(s) option to show the logical resources that are associated with the
packaging resource. The packaging resource might have no associated resources or
might be associated with one or more logical resources. (For example, the physical
hardware resources for a communications card could have three logical hardware
resources associated with it: a communications I/O processor, a communications
I/O adapter, and a communications port).
Note: The logical and packaging hardware resources have unique resource names.
Packaging hardware resource names are used only by the system. Service
representatives and customers use the logical resource names.
The following is an example displaying the associated logical resources for a
packaging communications IOP:
Chapter 2. Hardware Service Manager 67