
v Hardware errors.
If hardware errors occur during the Licensed Internal Code initialization step,
the IPL ends. If the hardware error is associated with the file, you might need to
install the Licensed Internal Code again.
At any point in the Licensed Internal Code initialization phase, errors that end
machine processing during an IPL can occur. If this occurs, indicators are set to the
data function. The machine check error log buffer, Licensed Internal Code log, or
the product activity log contain information about the condition that caused the
Initialization output
The output that is created when the Licensed Internal Code is initialized consists of
the following:
v Machine status information saved in the machine initialization status record
v Status codes for an initial program load displayed on the control panel for
long-running IPL functions. See IPL status SRCson page 201 or iSeries Licensed
Internal Code Diagnostic Aids - Volume 1 for more information.
v Product activity log and Licensed Internal Code log information that service
personnel need to service the machine.
Data descriptions
v Preceding stopped data
v Bad page table
Log entries
Logging is a function of Licensed Internal Code and starts during Licensed Internal
Code initialization. Licensed Internal Code parts (see Licensed Internal Code
(LIC) introductionon page 223) send log records to the product activity log.
Licensed Internal Code input/output managers do much of the error machine
check controlling.
The IOPs also have the ability to send data into the product activity log. Log
records from the IOPs are processed by the Reliability Availability Serviceability
(RAS) Focal Point Common Class I/O Manager Task in Licensed Internal Code.
The following are the types of log entries from the IOP:
Asynchronous Log Report: This is a bus-level record that is used when the I/O
processor has detected a critical failure. The asynchronous log report is used when
the IOP cannot communicate with Licensed Internal Code or the service processor.
Log Notification Record: This is a log record that is reported to the system from
the IOP after the RAS connections have been set up.
Log Information Record: This is an information-only record that is reported to
the system after the RAS connections have been set up. The information records
(statistics) are logged as product activity log information.
The following list describes the attributes of the product activity log:
v Permanent errors that do not stop the system
v Machine check data when available on the next IPL (if power was not switched
off before doing the next IPL)
v Any temporary errors necessary for problem analysis
220 Service Functions V5R2