
The Create containing hardware resource function key is available only on the
packaging hardware resources displays. To access this function from the logical
displays, you must select the Associated packaging resource(s) option (see Display
associated resourceson page 67).
Debug the resource
From packaging displays:
The I/O debug option is available only on the logical hardware resources displays.
To access I/O debug from the packaging displays, you must select the Associated
logical resource(s) option (see Display associated resourceson page 67).
From logical displays:
The I/O debug option is available only on the logical hardware resources displays.
This option assists in debugging selected resources.
Note: Attention! Misuse of this option might cause a system software failure.
The I/O Debug display shows the following options as appropriate for the
resource selected:
v Read/write I/O processor data
v Dump I/O processor data (see Performing an IOP dump using hardware
service manager (All Models)on page 279)
v Reset I/O processor - Some debug functions require that the I/O processor be in
a disabled state. Select this option to disable the I/O processor. To enable the
I/O processor for normal operation, you must select the IPL I/O processor option
on the Select I/O Debug Function display or IPL the server again.
v IPL I/O processor - Select this option to IPL the I/O processor. It allows you to
recover from an intermittent problem, refresh the I/O processor system
information, or enable the I/O processor for normal operation after selecting the
reset I/O processor option. Selecting this option performs the same function as the
OS/400 vary command with the reset option (see How to reset an I/O
processor card while the system is up and runningon page 295).
v Enable I/O processor trace Select this option to enable IOP trace.
v Disable I/O processor trace Select this option to disable IOP trace.
v Enable I/O processor reset Select this function key to enable IOP reset (one
IOP or all IOPs on a bus). Attention! This function is for iSeries development
use only and is not for use in customer installations. Using this option can
disrupt system operations and lead to catastrophic system failures.
v Disable I/O processor reset Select this function key to disable IOP reset.
Attention! This function is for iSeries development use only and is not for use
in customer installations. Using this option can disrupt system operations and
lead to catastrophic system failures.
v Enable I/O processor IPL Select this function key to enable IOP IPL (one IOP
or all IOPs on a bus). Attention! This function is for iSeries development use
only and is not for use in customer installations. Using this option can disrupt
system operations and lead to catastrophic system failures.
v Disable I/O processor IPL Select this function key to disable IOP IPL.
Attention! This function is for iSeries development use only and is not for use
in customer installations. Using this option can disrupt system operations and
lead to catastrophic system failures.
v Enable bus trace Select this option to enable a bus trace.
66 Service Functions V5R2