
Problem log
The problem log contains descriptions for all messages with problem analysis
routines. The system operator and other authorized persons use the problem log to
manage the problem records that are made by Online PAR. Functions that the
problem log provides include the following:
v Display problem records or print problem records
v Define a new problem
v Analyze an existing problem
v Report a problem
v Add notes to a problem record
v Recover from a problem
v Verify that a problem has been corrected
v Mark a problem as corrected
v Delete one or more problem records
v Query problem analysis status from a remote site
The customer has access to problem log functions in one of the following ways:
v Type the WRKPRB (Work with Problems) command and press the Enter key.
v On the Main Menu, select the Problem handling option. Then, on the Problem
Handling display, select the Work with problems option.
The WRKPRB command has search parameters available to control the range of
problems that is displayed. Pressing F4 displays the search parameters. One of
these parameters is SRVID, which is the problem management report (PMR)
number the remote support system returned when it reported the problem. Some
other examples of search parameters are time range, type of failing hardware, and
resource name of failing hardware.
Each entry in the problem list that WRKPRB displays contains a unique, ten-digit
problem identification (ID). This ID appears on all displays for a specific problem
and in the PMR for the problem in the remote support system. The problem list
has a field that you can use to specify the problem ID that you want to go to
Messages relating to hardware failures
When the system makes an entry in the problem log for each system-detected
problem, it also sends a message to the QSYSOPR message queue. Messages that
are associated with system-detected problems are marked with an asterisk (*) or
are highlighted.
Start problem analysis by placing the cursor anywhere on the message line that
contains the asterisk and press F14. For more options, press the Help key to view
the Additional Message Information display, then press F14 (Work with Problem) to
view the Work with Problems display. For details, see the Problem Analysis
information for your system. To see available online help, press the Help key.
Note: It is possible to have highlighted or marked with an asterisk multiple
system messages that are related to the same failure. For example, a 9335
A01 control unit failure would generate its own message and two more
system messages (one per actuator) for each B01 unit on the A01 device
function processor.
Appendix A. OS/400 291