
The width of the file is 132 characters. The data is in hexadecimal representation
and either American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
or EBCDIC character representation. The columns of the trace output common to
all protocols are:
Record number
The number of the trace record.
S/R Shows if the record type is sent (S) or received (R).
1. The letter C in this column indicates that an X.21 short hold mode
connection was cleared.
2. If an M appears, a modem change has occurred.
Data length
The amount of data, in decimal, that the record contains.
Record status
The protocol-dependent return code for the trace record. 00000000 is
successful; no errors were found. Other return codes are listed in the
functional specification for the protocol that is running or the port
manager. For more information on return codes, see the iSeries Licensed
Internal Code Diagnostic Aids - Volume 1.
Record timer
The time that each event occurs. Depending on the communications
hardware that is being used, the record timer will be either:
1. A time of day value, HH:MM:SS.NNNNN (where H=hours,
M=minutes, S=seconds, and N=subseconds), based on the system time
when the trace was stopped.
2. A relative time in decimal seconds. This timer value provides the
relative time between events.
Data type
Shows whether the traced data is printed in ASCII or EBCDIC character
representation. If the character representation of the data is mostly periods,
you might want to format the data again using the other option for data
Record Data Record Record Data Controller Number Number Poll/
Number S/R Length Status Timer Type Name/Number Command Sent Received Final
------ --- ------ -------- --------------- ------ ------------- ------- ------ -------- -----
7 R 69 00000000 12:29:56.72963 EBCDIC ZSDLLC30 /01 XID ON
Data.....: 3245056150080000 0084C00000000000 01010B0000010900 00000007000E0DF4 *.../&;...D{....................4*
DADBCC4BDACBCDCE EFCGC5F31017F116 1101130011F9F4F0 F6F5F0F0F1F0F1F0 *ABC.ABCDEFG..1......94065001010*
C4C6C44040 *DFD *
8 S 0 00000000 12:29:56.76081 EBCDIC ABCLLC30 /01 SNRM ON
9 R 0 00000000 12:29:56.78450 EBCDIC ABCLLC30 /01 UA ON
52 S 110 00000000 12:29:57.76210 EBCDIC ABCLLC30 /01 I 0 0 ON
Data.....: 2D00010200006B81 0031001307B0B051 3107878686870706 0200000000000000 *......,A..........GFFG..........*
944300000CDADBCC 4BEAEBCCD3D3C4F3 F02E000902E2D5C1 E2E5C3D4C7090300 *M....ABC.AABCLLD30....SNASVCMG...*
00BCF9CAD600000D 04DADBCC4BEAEBCC D3D3C4F3F00A1300 7B00BCF9CAD60000 *..9.O....ABC.ABCLLD30...#..9.O..*
53 R 110 00000000 12:29:57.80065 EBCDIC ABCLLC30 /01 I 0 1 ON
Data.....: 2F00010200006B81 0031001307B0B051 3107878686870706 0200000000000000 *......,A..........GFFG..........*
944300000CDADBCC 4BEAEBCCD3D3C4F4 F02E000902E2D5C1 E2E5C3D4C7090300 *M....ABC.ABCLLD40....SNASVCMG...*
00BCF9D56600000D 04DADBCC4BEAEBCC D3D3C4F4F00A1300 7B00BCF9D5660000 *..9N.....ABC.ABCLLD40...#..9N...*
Figure 3. Example Formatted Trace Data Output for SDLC
38 Service Functions V5R2