
v Resource name, type-model, serial number, and logical address
4. Legend
v Descriptions of the indicators
v Logical address format information
132-character width printouts consist of the following:
v description
v type-module
v serial number
v location data
frame ID
device position
card position
v logical resource name
v part number
v logical address
You can sort the printout by location or logical address data.
To print the system configuration list, perform the following procedure:
1. On the Start a Service Tool display, select the Hardware service manager option.
2. Select the Print (F6) function key on the Hardware Service Manager display
(see Figure 5 on page 46) to request a printout.
3. The Print Format Options display appears. You can sort the information by
location or logical address.
Note: The logical address sort and location sort are available only in
132character width.
4. Look for the system configuration list printout.
a. If you select the Print function key from a display other than the Hardware
Service Manager display, only the information that appears on the display
will print.
b. Use the last page of the printout (the legend) to assist in interpreting the
c. The logical and packaging hardware resources have unique resource names.
d. You can also view logical address information online from the product
activity log (see Chapter 3, Product Activity Logon page 99).
This ends the procedure.
To collect more details on the information that is listed on the system configuration
list, select the Print function key from a display other than the Hardware Service
Manager display.
Note: The entire system configuration list will not print. Only the information that
appears on the display will print.
For details (that include descriptions) on the system bus, main storage, or
processor, perform the following procedure:
94 Service Functions V5R2