7. Select and click a roll paper in the LPaper Source list.
8. Select the width of the loaded roll in the MRoll Paper Width list—in this case, ISO A2/A3 Roll (420.0mm).
9. In the APage Size list, click the size of the original as specified in the application. In this case, click ISO A4.
10. Select the CEnlarged/Reduced Printing check box.
11. Click ISO A4 in the GPaper Size list.
12. Click FScaling and enter 120.
• You can specify enlargement that exceeds the paper size, but in this case, the portions off the bottom
and right edges of the paper will not be printed.
• If the original size after enlargement or reduction is smaller than the paper size, the original is printed
in the upper-left corner. In this case, you can center originals by selecting E Print Centered on the
Layout sheet.
Confirm the print settings and print as desired.
• For tips on confirming print settings, see "Confirming Print Settings (Windows) →P.200 "
Resizing Originals by Entering a Scaling Value (Mac OS X)
This topic describes how to enlarge originals before printing by entering a scaling value, based on the following example.
• Document: Any Type
Enhanced Printing Options
Printing enlargements or reductions
Resizing Originals by Entering a Scaling Value (Mac OS X) iPF6300