Page 80 INTRAC-305 MANUAL - Issue 3.2 © 2011 Advantech Wireless
Install new lamp and wire assembly.
Wrap reflector sheet around lamp.
Replace securing tapes to secure reflector.
Turn unit face up and ensure that backlight is free from
contamination - dust may be blown free.
Slide backlight into display unit.
Replace metal cover over backlight.
Replace retainers, press centre to secure.
Locate display unit over the four studs and fit the nuts.
Re-fit INTRAC front panel to side panels, reconnect flex cable
and lamp wires.
Replace INTRAC top cover, reconnect power, switch on and
verify that the lamp illuminates.
Some, or all, front panel The six menu keys, the numerical keypad and the manual
keys do not function control keys are all connected in a matrix. There are three
supply lines to the matrix and eight return lines. If any one of
these lines fails at least three keys will cease to function. The
fault may be the ribbon cable to J27 (Interface PCB), the
connectors or the Interface PCB itself.
If only one key does not function the fault will be with that key
and the front panel PCB will have to be replaced. This board
is held on the front panel by six threaded studs. Disconnect
the ribbon cable and the emergency stop switch (note which
wire goes to which terminal). Remove the six nuts and lift the
PCB off the studs.
Emergency Stop Switch Fails Pressing the front panel emergency stop switch should cause
the System Alarm indicator to illuminate and the INTRAC to
enter Standby Mode.
The switch consists of two normally closed (N.C.) contacts
pressing the switch opens both sets of contacts. The switch
connects to the Interface PCB through the front panel PCB
and the ribbon cable. If the switches are OK and there is
continuity to connector J27 on the Interface board the fault is
on that board.
Pointing Angles Incorrect The resolvers consist of three coils two of which move with
respect to the third. A continuous signal is sent from the
INTRAC to the fixed coil and is induced into the other two
coils. The amount of induction in each coil is dependant on
the respective position of the coils.
The signal sent from the INTRAC is the same for all
angles constantly varying Constantly changing angles is caused by noise on the two
return signal lines. This implies that the source signal is not
present in the resolver. For one angle (i.e. Az, El or Pol) to
be changing either the circuit to the resolver is broken or the
resolver itself is faulty.